For my graduation trip my parents got my and my best friend Kylie a room in vegas! My family, of course, would be with us but we were free to do whatever we wanted. We just had to keep my parents posted on our daily activites. We drove down on Tuesday, checked into our hotel, and went to the rainforest cafe for dinner. Our waiter was really funny and he kept teasing Kylie because she was being so picky about her drinks and food. After dinner we all went back to our rooms and just hung out. Kylie and I watched a movie and then just crashed.
The next day, Kylie and I woke up and went to the pool. We were there for about two hours just tanning. After that we went back to our room where we showered and got ready. Then we just kind of hung out and watched CSI until dinner time! We went to the cheesecake factory and then Kylie and I went shopping! :) I got a shirt, which shows of my newly tanned skin very well! After dinner, we went to the Apple store and played on the Ipads. Then we went to the Mirage hotel to go to the Beatles store. Unfourtanetly for us, it was closed. However there was the coolest rainbow wall and floor so we played on that for a bit. Then we went to our hotel and watched anonther movie until we fell asleep.
The next day we went, once again, to the pool to tan! After a couple of hours we went to our hotel got ready then went to the bodies exhibition! It was pretty much the coolest/creepiest thing ever! I got to hold a lung and kidney. After the exhibition we went to the Beatles store! I got a sweet shirt! Then we went to dinner! After dinner we went back to the hotel and tried to pop popcorn with blow dryers because the hotel didnt have a microwave! Sadly it failed and we melted the trash can haha. Then we fell asleep watching Pirates!
Then today we woke up, got ready and packed up the car. Then we went to the arcade and bought best friend necklaces with our 20 tickets we earned! Haha then we had the security guard take a picture of us. He was a good sport and took a picture of us :) Then we went and bought pretzles for the road! Then we went through a lion habitat where we watched two lions play fetch haha. Then we got on the road and came home!
Now that I am home, I will unpacked and then party!