June 27, 2009

Day at the Museum

Today Morgan, McKenna, and I went to the museum of natural history! It was so much fun. We saw fossils and watched cool videos about plate techtonics and stuff. There were all kinds of animals and photographs. It was really cool. After we went there we just walked around and went to all the little shops in Balboa park. We met some cool people in the stores that told us really cool stories about the stuff they sold in their stores. They were all way nice. After we finished that we decided to go to the Aerospace museum. On our way over there though we saw the History of Man museum which looked a whole lot cooler, so we went there instead. I am so glad we did. It was really cool! They had this whole ancient mayan section which I loved! They also had an egypt section with mummies and everything. There was even this room where you could go in and live in the life of a child during those times, it was cool. There was also a fossil digging section, the beginning of man section- which showed the evolution of man - and a whole lot more. It was really exciting! There was also a book sale going on outside that we went and checked out. Turns out the books were only like a dollar each so I bought a couple of books that looked good. All in all it was a really funny day, and educational. :)

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