May 30, 2009

Youth Conference

Today I went to a youth conferent service project. It was a lot of work, but a whole lot of fun to. We met at the stake center at 8am! Had breakfast then my group and another group went to the Washington Recreational Center and put some rocks in the ground haha. After that everyone went to this family's house where the dad has colon cancer and it is worsening. He doesn't have a back yard really for his kids so we gave him a whole backyard along with a clean and trimmed front yard. We started by painting a fort for the kids, digging a hole in the ground for their trampoline, and getting some weeds and debris out of the way. We did a lot of things in a short amount of time. We put grass in, a sprinkler system in, a fort, grass, gravel, plants, got rid of all the weeds, trimmed the bushes and grass out front, mowed the lawn, washed windows, and just cleaned up everything. It was so cool when the family came driving in and we were all cheering and stuff. Only the mom knew what was going on so everyone was surprised - especially the little kids. Their whole family started crying and it was really cool. It was a fun and long day but well worth it.

This morning Kylie moved. It was really weird saying good bye to her before I left. I know we will see each other again and stuff because she isn't moving far away but it still sucks to know that I can't just see her whenever or talk to her whenever I would like to. I was pretty sad on my way to the stake center but I pulled it together! Hopefully I get to see her soon!

May 29, 2009


I found out that my car is smoking yesterday so I took him into rehab. Haha ya I was going down the Blvd and out of no where my car just starts smoking! So I pulled over and turned my engine off. Then I opened the hood to see what was going on. It was my coolant. Right then a guy pulls up who is a mechanic and tells me that we have to go over to this gas station and hose my car down. Once we get over there and stop the smoking, we fill it up with water and the guy starts trying to figure out what went wrong. Apparently I blew a fuse that controls my electric fan so the fan wasn't working which means it was cooling down my engine. After that Rett showed up and we took my car into the shop. I got him back at 11 p.m.! Other then that my day wasn't to exciting. My tye-dye shirts were done and they look pretty awesome! I played soccer later on in the evening, that was fun. Interesting day but a good one. My mom and I figured that since I had already been in a car accident and now have had my car break down, the only thing left for me to do is get a ticket......8/

May 28, 2009


Today I hung out with Alyssa and Kylie for a little bit. It was way fun. We went to breakfast in the morning and then on our way back we stopped at this field and took pictures! It was pretty fun! After that I went to work for like ever! After work Kylie and I went to go hang out with Nick and Taylor at Taylors house. Little did we know they weren't there yet. Haha so we chilled in Taylors room and watched OutCold till they got there. Once they got to Taylors we went to Nick's indoor soccer game. It was pretty fun Taylor played to and they did pretty good considering the team they were playing were like twice their age. After that we went back to Taylors and finished OutCold then we watched some of Bedtime Stories. That day was just so funny! It was great!

May 24, 2009


Today was a chill and fun day. We all woke up, ate breakfast, and got ready. Then the girls and I went down to this pottery place around 12 so we could paint some pottery. Brooke, McKenna, and myself all did flip flop boxes and Morgan did a dog coin bank. After that, we went back to the hotel room and the adults took off to lunch. I stayed and babysat all the kids - which was pretty easy because I just had to put on a movie and make sure no one hurt themselves. Once everyone came back, we went down to Jaimee's room and looked at Bumbles. Bumbles are these really cute watches/bracelet things. You can change the band or the face of the watch. Anyways they are really cute and we had a hard time not buying them all. We ended up buying a couple of them and I am way excited! After that we came back to our room and hung out till pizza came. Then pizza came so we ate and it was very delicious. Then I took Morgan, Brooke, and McKenna to the pool to go swimming for a little bit. Now we are back at the hotel room hanging out and getting ready for bed. Good day!

May 23, 2009

This past week

I haven't written for a while so I will. The past week a lot has happened. School got out, tons of hanging out with friends, graduation for seniors, dances, and now I am in Newport Beach. School has finally been out since Wednesday! It was quite exciting. We pretty much just signed yearbooks for a while then Kylie, Taylor, Nick, Braedon, Kieth, Cassidy, Cameron, Justin, and myself all went to Sandhallow to just party all day on the water! It was way fun. We went to a main beach and just chilled then we went cliff jumping. When we went to the cliffs there were a bunch of college kids there and they were all drunk and they were teaching us how to do all these crazy things haha so we left after everyone jumped. After that Taylor, his brother Alex, and I went and played soccer for a little. That was fun except now I have shin splints. Oh well. Ever since school got out I pretty much just hang out 24/7. Graduation was thursday and everyone went to that. It was really sad saying good-bye to everyone. It was crazy to think that, that was going to be me and all my friends next year. I am pretty much excited! After graduation I mopped and went into work for a little bit then went and hung out with Kylie and some other people before they all went to senior sunrise. I didn't go, but it's all good. Yesterday was Friday and my mom, the little girls, and I travelled down to Newport beach! Once we got here we just all hung out with the family and stuff. Oh I didn't talk about tightwad. Okay so Wednesday was this dance called tightwad. The group was Kylie and Braedon and Me and Jared. After everyone was done with yearbooks we all went to my house for a Macaroni cook-off which I dominated in! After that we went to wal-mart to get stuff to make t-shirts. Then we went to a park and had a huge paint war. Then we went to Kylie's house for dinner. After that we went to Dixie Rock to take pictures and they are pretty cool. Once I figure out how to put pictures on I will put some on for you! So, then we went to the dance and just partied it up and then we went to another park and just hung out! So ya that was pretty much the past week!

May 15, 2009

Yesterday = good day!

Alright. So yesterday Kylie and I sang in the talent show! I'm not going to lie we were pretty dang good! It was great, I felt like a celebrity all day haha. In school we didn't really do anything. I did finish my English testing though so that means testing, assignments, and all that stuff is done!! Other than that, I just watched movies all day. It was pretty exciting. After school I helped a girl do a body cast for ceramics. A body cast is basically plastering your body to get a mold. She did this really cool hippy thing. So I was at the school till about 5:30 or 6ish finishing just the mold. Then I left to go to my little sisters orchestra concert and she did way good! After the concert and everyone stands up to clap I was like, "WOO! GO MORGAN!!" and totally embarrased her!! It was great! :)
Yesterday was Kylies last day at work. :( We were supposed to go to her work and have a party but I couldn't because I had to work on that body cast. I was really bummed. We had some good times in that place. I swear I was there just as much as she was. I should have been paid. Anyways it was a sad moment. She is moving June 1. I am going to die. I don't know what girl I am going to hang out with, all the people I hang out with are guys and Kylie. I know loser. haha but I don't mind the guys!
Well...other then Kylie's last day at work, yesterday was a very good day!

May 13, 2009

Good Day

Today started out pretty good. Kylie didn't show up to practice this morning so that was kind of a bummer! After practice I gave my presentation on France in Sociology which went pretty well. In math, I finished my end of level!! Which is always a good thing, except I think I did horrible on it...everything after that was pretty much chill. After school I went to the chiropractors and then home. Once I got home Rett called me and told me to go pick up some blinds from the furniture store and make sure they fixed it right, which they did. Yay for the store! After that me, kylie, and mckenna all went to our choir's end of the year swim party. It was way fun when we got there. Kylie, Jared :), and I played volleyball for a while and I totally dominated!! After that Jared and I swung some of the little girls on the swing set. Actually Jared did all of it, I just supervised. Then we went on the trampoline and Jared got beat up by three little girls haha it was cute! Then we all just sat around and talked for hours! Kylie and I also practiced our song for the talent show. Once that was over, I went home for about....10 minutes and went straight to a work meeting. It was kinda sketchy because I am very low on gas and I almost thought I wasn't going to make it there and back home without running out of gas! But I did! ") Now I am just about to go to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow to get ready for the talent show! I am kind of nervous because Jared and all of these other people are coming to watch and about half the school will be there to, so hopefully we do well! I will write all about it tomorrow.

May 12, 2009

Long but fun day!!

Today pretty much rocked. It started out at 6 in the morning to get ready to go to the talent show rehearsal at 7. Kylie and I are singing in it so we had to go : /. After we went the rest of the acts went and they are all amazing!! After that school started to I finished my mirror projects in ceramics, finished my end of level in physics, started my end of level in English, and watched Forrest Gump in history. I love that movie, it is just so funny. After school let out, I helped my friend Taylor out with his homework then went over to Stefani's house to work on our boat for physics. Our assignment is to make a boat out of cardboar, paper, duct tape, and freezer paper. That's it. So we made out boat and it was looking pretty amazing - until we got in it. Once we both got in our boat and tried to paddle across the pool, we kind of sunk. It was so funny though!! We kept trying even though the boat got filled with water!! It didn't quite work like we wanted it to, but we are trying again tomorrow. :) After that, I came home and then went to mutual. They were teaching our stake how to swing dance! My partner Brance Jones was amazing and already knew it, so he taught it to me real fast then we started doing all kinds of crazy lifts and dips! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I really want to dance now! So after that I came home and now I am writing my book report and finishing off some other homework. Which I have to go finish.....alright. Bye!

May 11, 2009

Mothers Day and Monday

Alright! So as all of you should know yesterday was mothers day, and what a great day it was. We didn't really do anything to special for my mom in the morning but we got to church on time! That was exciting! Haha anyways church was really good. I actually paid attention in sacrement for the whole time. When we got home from church everyone - except mom of course - made an awesome dinner! It really was super delicious! After that I passed out for like 3 hours then watched a movie with my fam...well the ending...Anyways after that we all just kind of relaxed. I returned the rented movies and when I came back home there were chocolate strawberries waiting for me to eat! I did wait till my mom ate some first but then I had some! They were quite good! After that everyone went off to bed. I painted my toes first but that's beside the point! All in all it was a good day. Hardly any serious fighting :), great food, and it was just relaxing! Everyone gave mom a card although I do have another present coming her way I just can't find a family picture that can go with it! That is why I haven't given it to her yet. Poor mom. But she will get it at the latest by tuesday.
Today was a pretty good day! I woke up got ready for school and just had a good day. We had end of levels in my math class which really wasn't all that great but I am almost done with that so that is a good thing! After school I went to Canta Bella to record some of our songs and they are sounding fantastic if I do say so myself. Then I just kind of chilled at Jareds house - where we sing choir - and heard him sing a way good song. He has an amazing voice! :D After that I came home and got into the pool with my little sisters Rooster A.K.A. McKenna and Morgan. Now I am just writing this post and doing homework! I am super excited because this is the last official week of school! I get to be a senior next year!!!! I can't wait!!!! Well I am going to go do my homework now. Bye!

May 09, 2009

May 9, 2009

Alright! So this is my very virst blog post. How exciting! My mom just showed me her's and my little sisters so I figured why not make one of my own? So thats just what I did! :D So right now I am waiting for two of my friends to come over -Kylie and Cassidy- to go tanning. I'm pretty excited because I am very white. Well that is pretty much all I have to write about right now. Later I will tell you about my day yesterday because it was very good!