March 01, 2010

My Upcoming Week

Alright! SO just so everyone is up to date, I finally got a job at the local Dairy Queen!! It is surprisingly fun and way chill and also easy so i'm happy! Other than that my life is just busy busy busy. I am never home anymore! This week is going to be even worse and super looking forward to it. First off Monday and Tuesday is baseball tryouts (I am Pine View High School's Baseball manager) so I have to go to those and do paper work and all this other stuff. Then I have choir practice both days until about 7. Then Tuesday along with tryouts and choir I have mutual and maybe a basketball game. Wednesday, the baseball team is doing a golf tournament from 8am to about 1pm to raise money for funds that I am helping with. After the tournament I am helping with a girls body cast. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening I have work :( [yes I work Sunday I know but you have to work at least one Sunday a month]. And in between all of this I have to battle a sore throat, a Biology paper, math homework, government homework, a huge math test, financial literacy homework, and probably a lot more. I even have chores and graduation stuff to do. This should be a fun week.

Well thanks for letting me vent! I will let you know how the week turns out! :)

Oh and in all of this craziness some good does come from it! My best friend Kylie is moving back to SG next week! YAY!!! :)